About Olmec

Who Are We
Olmec is an award winning, Black and Minoritised Communities led, Race Equality organisation. We provide innovative training programmes for individuals, housing associations, local authorities, social enterprises and the private sector. We champion race equality though economic and social justice. Follow the links below to find out about our key programmes.
We support people into jobs, into social businesses and on to boards. We work as a catalyst for social change.
“Black on Board has helped me to recognise my own self-imposed barriers to fulfilling my ambitions, and to use the power I always had to be all I can be”

Stanton La Foucade
Black on Board Graduate
We Support People Towards
Personal Empowerment
We empower individuals to take an active role in society and achieve their goals and aspirations. By accessing the services delivered through Olmec, individuals and organisations are able to develop their skills, services and capacity in order to turn around their lives and the lives of others. Our services are bespoke and tailored to the individual or organisation. We are able to personalise and customise our services to achieve the best result for the people we work with.
“Give Yourself permission to be Powerful”
How We Started
Olmec was established in 2003 as a response to the entrenched poverty and disadvantage experienced by people living in challenging neighbourhoods. Olmec was initially set up as a charitable subsidiary of a housing association. In June 2010, we became an independent charity y. Over the years Olmec has developed a number of inter-related programmes to address some of the needs identified, primarily focusing on governance and leadership, equality and human rights, social enterprise development, employment, and lack of skills.

Our name ‘Olmec’ was chosen to remember an important South American civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco. It reflects the aspiration in our work to acknowledge the rich diversity of cultures that have fed into the present that we share. When we tell the story of the Olmec, our history lives again.
Our Theory of Change
Our Theory of Change sets out how Olmec will work towards its goal of Race equality through social & economic justice by supporting black, marginalised, and racialised people into jobs, enterprise, and boards.
You can download a PDF version of our Theory of Change here.
Our Services
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